BEM FE USM Holds Internal Digital Branding Training
SEMARANG – The Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Economics, University of Semarang (FE USM) held an Internal Digital Branding Training, with the theme “Secrets of building branding in the digital era”, on Thursday, June 16, 2022, at UPT PUSKOM I USM, in a hybrid way.
This activity presented two speakers, namely, Junior Analyst of PT Shoope Internasional Indonesia Gregorius Nobel W, and USM Faculty of Technology and Information Lecturer Erika Dwi Setya Watie MIKom.
In his remarks, the Deputy Dean of FE USM, Teguh Ariefiantoro SE MM, said that the activities held by BEM FE USM were very interesting to follow.
“This activity is very interesting because building a brand takes a long time, it cannot be instant. Follow this activity with great care because it can be useful in the future, “said Teguh.
Gregory explained that there are differences between men and women in buying a product. Then there are several things that need to be understood in determining consumers.